For me I feel that Skill Cooldown is the most important of the skills to max, with the current max of 50% you need to try and get close to it but don't waste other gear slots on it.
My best card stats-wise, I don't think I could have gotten a better combination of options.

Of course Loki is key in any card list, with 2 important primary stats. Lucky here not any major wasted options.

Marvel Zombies, once again because of 2 important primary stats. It's a shame I have 2 wasted skills here, and I'm working on advancing or replacing this one with a better combination

Black Widow because of her decent primary stats, and it's current secondary stats of Skill Cooldown. Still working on a higher card with Skill Cooldown to replace with.

Punisher is only here for the Skill Cooldown, Defense Penetration is okay. But I would rather have some better skill boosts, working on a better version or alternate option.

Current stats, with 31.2% Skill Cooldown I can get almost maxed cooldown with some gear slot focus or hero specific traits. All attack and dodge boosts are good. But working on a better Drax to possibly replace Punisher

This was my latest result of Drax, and lost out on some better attack boosts unfortunately. Now to use or use in a combination to fix other Mythical?