Well the coins are able to get from doing the ramps in Harbour or the Skating Rink in House P tavern.
For the harbour you'll need Ice Skates {can hire or purchase from DDO store [95TP} and a max jump {so jump buff, House P or pots}. You can also purchase a cocoa pot that teleports you to the top of the first ramp area from the store {save time on miss jumps}.
There are some good video thread:
http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=229063Also a full list of all the recipes and what ingredients are needed.
http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=228641Timing is key, and low latency helps. Try lowing graphic level, turn off names {v} and UI {alt+z ?}
I've found you get most common recipes from whites. Get 4 from Blues and 5 from purples. Of course the 4 & 5's are the most sort after. I've only ever gotten one 5 and 2 fours. You get moles from all, varying in amounts.
You can add recipes 3, 4,3,5, & 4 to get Icy Burst and Frost on the one weapon, and I did this, but it's been deemed 'not as intended' and they'll be removing the lower frost at a later time. So I wasted a 4 {3 is common}

A lot of higher stuff can be immune to cold damage, so don't think you're missing out on stuff. But at lower->higher it can hit hard on certain weapons. Also having Icy Burst on a non ML item can make it very worthy.
5 recipes also can get at least 100->200k Platnium at the moment. They are up on the AH for more, like 400k, but I doubt they are selling. Those with that amount of money, have the resources to farm it themselves.
The skating rink requires a four person team. There is 3 triggers on the rink and a single ice jet. Once all triggers have a person on them the ice jet shoots a person up in the air where they can get coins. This can be done quit easily with a 4 team, and is not too hard.
The 3 trigger people have no skats and can sit on the trigger for a bit, as you're slowed. You might fall over. Then the one person just waits and collects. With a little team work can farm. But can also have to fight others for the same single coin.