Well this time I thought I would suggest something different as an event for the weekend. How about we all take a turn leading a quest we haven't done before? So that each person replies with the quest they are going to lead, like Eldy did for us with the pit the other day.
This includes running quest on alts as needed, so that players like everfear get a chance to have a go and leading us all around as well

If you want we can do the quests on main toons or alts, it is up to you. At the end, if you feel like, ask for feedback on how to do things better as a leader. The idea is that not only do we do some new quests, we practice our leading, get some xp, favor and loot, and think about possible strategies for making quests easier we can try the next time we run the quest.
So, if you are up for leading a quest, add a reply here with a quest or choice of quests you would like to lead. Even if we have all done the quest before, if you haven't lead it in a group then feel free to chose that one.
I will nominate first:
Made to Order (lvl 11) - a challenging quest with a particularly hard boss at the end

(OH by the way, if you have a better idea for an event, feel free to create it in the calendar and let us all know, so we can join in on the fun)